Considering the rising gas costs of today lots of people have begun to look for an new way to fuel up their automobiles. Algae biofuel will do the job for many individuals who started making this biofuel from algal biomass in their own bio-diesel production areas.
And why not make your own personal algae bio-fuel, the increased fuel costs makes finding alternative fuel sources very important these days, especially with the recent oil spill in the gulf of mexico, people wish to save money and the natural environment more than ever.
Algae biodiesel is a great way to save lots of cash on your diesel fuel costs. Not to mention you can even save big on your heat cost if you reside in cooler areas. The basic function of algae biofuel is to transform algae oil into biodiesel, a renewable fuel source you can use in your diesel engine powered automobiles.
Talk to your vehicle manufacturer first, some car companies do not endorse the use of bio-diesel fuel within their vehicles and will void the warranty if an engine is harmed by its use. Make sure to research this before choosing a new automobile with a diesel engine. For much older diesel cars and trucks there's no reason to worry, if the vehicle ran on petroleum diesel previously it will run on algae bio-diesel also. Knowing this makes the choice to operate your vehicle on cleaner burning algae biodiesel much simpler for you.
There's a minimal amount of supplies needed to produce algal bio-diesel. You will need a growing medium for the algal biomass, a press, water, methanol, lye and use of a biodiesel processor. You can put the biodiesel processor just about anyplace, although most people put them outside in a shed or under an overhang. You will be making algae biofuel oil so setting up in the house may not be a real great idea.
The best bio-diesel processors are built to stop fumes and odors from escaping during the refining operation. Having an odor free refining process might be important for those wishing to produce their fuel near their house. If you live on a farm or large plot of land this may not be as necessary as the bio-diesel processor can be positioned farther away from your house. Needless to say if you can afford to get a completely automated biodiesel system do so, just because they are very easy to use and will save you time.
If you have a large amount of algal oil from algae fish feed projects then a bio-diesel processor will work perfectly to provide added value to your operation. It does take more time to grow algal biomass and process the algal oil but the results are the same, a more ecologically friendly fuel which can be put into a diesel powered vehicle right away. Moreover, as soon as you start maturing the algae they replenish themselves every twenty four hours so you'll have an endless free supply of algae bio-fuel for your residence heating requirements and your automobiles.
The cost of fossil fuels is on an endless pricing trend upward making algal biodiesel for private use a smart decision for anyone. Having your own algae biodiesel production plant along with a constant flow of green fuel right in your own backyard makes you energy self-sufficient and saves you and your family lots of money in the future.

And why not make your own personal algae bio-fuel, the increased fuel costs makes finding alternative fuel sources very important these days, especially with the recent oil spill in the gulf of mexico, people wish to save money and the natural environment more than ever.
Algae biodiesel is a great way to save lots of cash on your diesel fuel costs. Not to mention you can even save big on your heat cost if you reside in cooler areas. The basic function of algae biofuel is to transform algae oil into biodiesel, a renewable fuel source you can use in your diesel engine powered automobiles.
Talk to your vehicle manufacturer first, some car companies do not endorse the use of bio-diesel fuel within their vehicles and will void the warranty if an engine is harmed by its use. Make sure to research this before choosing a new automobile with a diesel engine. For much older diesel cars and trucks there's no reason to worry, if the vehicle ran on petroleum diesel previously it will run on algae bio-diesel also. Knowing this makes the choice to operate your vehicle on cleaner burning algae biodiesel much simpler for you.
There's a minimal amount of supplies needed to produce algal bio-diesel. You will need a growing medium for the algal biomass, a press, water, methanol, lye and use of a biodiesel processor. You can put the biodiesel processor just about anyplace, although most people put them outside in a shed or under an overhang. You will be making algae biofuel oil so setting up in the house may not be a real great idea.
The best bio-diesel processors are built to stop fumes and odors from escaping during the refining operation. Having an odor free refining process might be important for those wishing to produce their fuel near their house. If you live on a farm or large plot of land this may not be as necessary as the bio-diesel processor can be positioned farther away from your house. Needless to say if you can afford to get a completely automated biodiesel system do so, just because they are very easy to use and will save you time.
If you have a large amount of algal oil from algae fish feed projects then a bio-diesel processor will work perfectly to provide added value to your operation. It does take more time to grow algal biomass and process the algal oil but the results are the same, a more ecologically friendly fuel which can be put into a diesel powered vehicle right away. Moreover, as soon as you start maturing the algae they replenish themselves every twenty four hours so you'll have an endless free supply of algae bio-fuel for your residence heating requirements and your automobiles.
The cost of fossil fuels is on an endless pricing trend upward making algal biodiesel for private use a smart decision for anyone. Having your own algae biodiesel production plant along with a constant flow of green fuel right in your own backyard makes you energy self-sufficient and saves you and your family lots of money in the future.
About the Author:
New algae technology has opened the doors for algae oil, Using algae photobioreactors look at this Algae to Biodiesel home study course... today is your turn.. Check here for free reprint license: Algae Bio-fuel For Fuel Energy Flexibility For Your Home & Vehicles.